W.H. Pepper Preschool

About Us

W.H. Pepper Preschool History

The W.H. Pepper Preschool was established when the concept of early childhood education was first being developed. Mr. Pepper was introduced to the idea while visiting a school in Germany under the direction of Fredrick Froebel, one of the pioneers of the early childhood education movement. While there, Mr. Pepper observed that the children, when introduced to different activities and encouraged to follow their own interests, became more engaged in and responsive to their learning experience. This inspired Mr. Pepper to open the first school in Northern California specifically for young children. Pepper Preschool has been fulfilling Mr. Pepper's vision for high quality and loving early childhood education since 1894.


W.H. Pepper Preschool is deeply rooted in Petaluma history and Montessori tradition. We have loving and experienced teachers that are deeply committed to early childhood education and bring their diverse experience to our curriculum and enrich our integrated approach.

We provide an integrated curriculum with a thoughtfully prepared environment that encourages exploration of art, dramatic play, math and manipulatives, practical life, language arts, books, music, water and sand play, building, gardening, running, climbing and animal care. This approach supports independence, self-discipline and most importantly, a love of learning. Each child is free to follow his or her own interests at his or her own pace. Creating a community in a spirit of peace with respect for one another is the foundation for the education of the whole child.

The First Year

Our two-day a week program meets Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30am-12:30pm.

This class is for our youngest students starting at 2 years 6 months.

The Second Year

Our three-day a week program meets Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday from 8:30am-12:30pm.

Daily Schedule

8:30am Arrival and outdoor play
9:00am Circle time
9:30am Classroom work time
11:30am Lunch and outdoor play
12:15pm Goodbye circle
12:30pm Dismissal

We recognize that the needs of each family and child are unique, we are always happy to discuss scheduling options.

Registration Information

Further information and a link to the registration form is currently posted on our Homepage.

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